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招聘php开发工程师、网页制作工程师(前端) 地点:上海徐汇光大会展中心




  ?公司规模:100 - 499人















  1. 精通PHP+MYSQL技术或者精通ASP.NET技术

  2. 精通MVC框架

  3. 了解Kohana, PHP cake等编译框架

  4. 了解Wordpress, Joomla, drupal等内容管理系统者优先

  5. 熟悉ASP.NET, Java等其他编译语言者优先

  6. 精通HTML + css网页构建框架

  7. 熟悉photoshop优先

  8. 熟悉javascript, jquery, AJAX技术以及运用

  9. 好学上进,能够适应公司的工作环境

  11. 有较好的自学和解决问题的能力

  12. 有较好的multi tasking技巧





  中澳伟思NWAYS专注于应用互联网最新技术,为我们的客户提供完善的最佳的解决方案。在过去的数年里, 中澳伟思已经成为澳洲最具推荐的Web网络开发企业,我们的客户包括了全球最有声誉的客户。

  中澳伟思荣幸地与澳洲最著名的媒体广告和市场代理集团形成了紧密的合作同盟。我们提供高级互联网媒体互动,功能开发,数据驱动的Web方案。 中澳伟思高度专注于客户的需求,为客户的需求进行准确地分析,提供高效率高性价比的产品和服务,极度地提升了客户的满意度。

  我们的高质量的技术开发能力涵盖 ASP.NET, Java, ColdFusion, XHTML Transitional 1.0, MSSQL,MYSQL, ORACLE, PHP, JSP,Sap等等.

  NWAYS已成长为一个为客户提供整体IT技术和解决方案以及咨询和实施服务的公司。 NWAYS现提供全面的IT解决方案和咨询服务,主要涉及ERP,CRM,SaaS,呼叫中心,培训,供应链管理,DCM,业务流程重组,软件开发等领域。

  About Us

  NWAYS designates a "New WAYS".

  NWAYS is originally founded in Australia with the name of Captainsoft in 2004. NWAYS is in the business of Software Development, BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) and SAP/ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning) consulting. NWAYS has won an excellent reputation in the industry as well as among its customers for delivery of high-quality services and outstanding successful performance since its establishment.

  All ERP projects bring the changes to both the organization and its people of the company, such as responsibility, company culture, technology, etc. The success of an ERP project requires the collective efforts from both the consulting company and the company through a partnering relationship.

  Early Beginnings

  In 2004, Captainsoft was established in Australia mainly focusing on the business of Software Development, BPO (Business Process Outsourcing). In 2005, Captainsoft set up its Representative Office in Beijing, China to start up its business in Great China. Captainsoft brings to its clients advance operations and management experiences gained from previous successfully projects with numerous major foreign and local successful enterprises.

  With the growth and expansion of its business in China, NWAYS was officially established as a wholly foreign owned Enterprise registered in Beijing in June 2009. During the same year, NWAYS also established its Representative Office in Shanghai and its subsidiary in Hangzhou.

  Future Expansion

  Realizing the rapid changes in terms of technology, management concept and business requirements from its present and future clients, coupled with the vision in " to be the number one Software Development, BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) and ERP/SAP service provider in Great China", NWAYS becomes a full SI Company for providing total IT technology and solution as well as consulting and implementation services to its clients. NWAYS is now offering total IT solutions and consulting services, covering the business areas of ERP, CRM, SaaS, Call Center, Training, SCM, DCM, BPR, Software Development, etc.

  北京地址:北京市海淀区彩和坊路8号 天创科技大厦

  上海地址:上海徐汇区漕宝路站70号 光大会展中心





